Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Valentines OOTDs

This is Claire and I on our Valentine picnic in my garden (before we gave up and went to 'picnic' indoors on the sofa). Claire looks lovely and I probably would have looked nice if I was wearing some different tights (they have hearts on, it was valentines day, thus i had to wear them even though they really really didn't go with the dress) and was less fat! Claire made her outfit because she is talented. I did not make mine because I am not :P

Sir Digby Chicken Caesar has learned 1 trick, sitting up on his Bum. He looks so cute we used to make a huge fuss whenever he did it, now he does it ALL the time. It's all he's got! it leads to nice photos though

And now, because I like when I make funny faces, there are 'hilarious outtakes' under the cut

Chewing :P

This is actually the photo I chose to enter for the No 7 Wink competition...

I keeel you!




  1. You are SOOOO photogenic. If I were a fashion designer you would be my muse.

    As a family you excel in scrumptiousness. Woman + woman + dog. You always make me smile. Always.

  2. Deem, that wink! I immediately remembered Xenia :D

  3. ^_^ Aww I love both your outfits! I love that pink dress - the colour reminds me of Gladiola (obsessssed :P) Claire's outfit is just darling. Love it too!

    Yay Digby sitting on his bumbum! <3

  4. You have such a gorgeous pre-Raphaelite figure, please don't call yourself fat! It's a stunning dress on you, and I love the tights!

    I love Claire's outfit too, you're such a perfect, beautiful couple x

  5. LOL your blooper pics are precious! I love the wink one and the dress is lovely. Perfect for V-day!

  6. You are both so cute! Such gorgeous dresses, Claire is really talented!
    I love the Digby sitting on his bum picture! :)

  7. I saw your wink entry on Facebook! YUM I see a French Fancy! Your Digby dog is so small and cute! You both look like you had a fun valentines day! xx

  8. You're both beautiful and have amazing figures. Claire's outfit is really cute... I can't believe she made it herself. I'm so jealous of her skills @_@ Your dress is really lovely as well. I love the bust-detail-thing!

    And of course Sir Digby is totally adorable!

  9. I think that you both look gorgeous and such a good way to spend valentines day. Also, winning face!!!!

  10. Fitness all around! I like the tights with the dress, I think it's cute! Where did you get the dress? Claires bloomer-suit-awesomeness is awesomeness - I love it!

  11. great outfits~! you look super sexy sweetie!

  12. You both look fantastic, but your dress is my absolute favorite, and it looks so great on you!


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