Monday 10 October 2011


Hey everyone!
Thank you for your giveaway entries so far, I'm having fun reading about your favourite bright coloured bits! Also Callooh and Callay are having a Halloween entry here and we have the popular Going Batty necklaces back in stock :)
Ugh so I finally am able to make some proper posts (various problems have led to me not being able to take swatch pictures for ages and I really need to before posting) but now I am feeling really poorly so can't cope with writing a proper post. Sorry! Hopefully will be feeling better tomorrow until then I leave you with this:

Oh yeah.


  1. I love that Bieber thing! They had that in a store near me and these kids were kicking him in the head. Not funny, but, a bit funny.

  2. We have the life-sized Bieber out here in the fragrance section of the department stores, to help promote his perfume for women! LOL

  3. I'm speechless. This is the best picture ever!

  4. LOL yesss. You are winning!

  5. Robyn:
    Ha ha! Poor Bieb :P

    I think that's what this one is doing too. I wonder what the perfume smells like? Puppies and baby chuckles and oestrogen is my guess :P

    I think so too :P

    Winning at being awesome! :D


I love comments and try to reply to every one i get.