Tuesday, 13 November 2012

So unfortunately my computer appears to be poorly. I got a virus and though I seem to have got rid of it my computer is slow and just doesn't do things I want it to. I've got my documents off and hopefully can fix it by rebooting but unfortunately Dell don't supply a Windows installation CD with their computers. Gragh! Anyway I apologise that at the moment my blog is mainly excuses about why I haven't been blogging!


  1. Hi there just to let you know i sent you an email about your blog sale! Many thanks!

    1. Kerrie I didn't get your email, could you send it again please? :)

  2. Hello there! My PC does this a lot too.... :( Sometimes running chkdsk can help fix weird errors (it's a .exe file extension btw)

    I know my PC has an option to reinstall everything hiding on the C drive somewhere, maybe yours has one too?

    Defragging helps a lot too. It seems to chivvy it along a bit. Hope this helps... :)

    1. Thanks for the ideas! I eventually managed to do some sort of Dell thing that saved all my files but rebooted everything.


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